....Alex Goran艾麗克絲   Vera Farmiga維拉·法梅加We're no picnic ourselves.

原著作者: Walter Kirn/ 導演:傑森·雷特曼Jason Reitman

Up in the air|型男飛行日誌|在云端|天外情緣|直上雲霄在雲端|】 2009.


 亮 眼 片 段 想 到 哪 寫 到 哪 

- - - 想 當 然 爾- - - 以 下 劇 透- - - 慎 入- - -




00:52:33,739 Ò 00:52:36,134

Natalie:Wow, that was depressing.
NatalieI should just date women.

AlexTried it.

00:52:40,801 Ò 00:52:43,438

AlexWe're no picnic ourselves.

00:52:46,313 Ò 00:52:49,464

Natalie:I don't mind being married to my career.
NatalieAnd I don't expect it to hold me in bed as I fall asleep.

NatalieI just don't want to settle.

AlexYou're young.
Right now you see settling as some sort of a failure.

AlexIt is. . . by definition.
AlexBut by the time someone is right for you, it won't feel like settling.

AlexAnd the only person left to judge you will be the 23-year-old girl with a target on your back.

00:53:20,996 Ò 00:53:23,706

Natalie:So what's the plan for the evening?

AlexWell, we were gonna hit that party for the tech conference at the hotel.

Natalie:I didn't know you could just attend those. I thought you had to register.


AlexTechnically, I don't think it's open to the public.


Stop by.

Natalie:You're gonna crash it?

Alexhave a good time, usually.

Natalie:No, no, I get it. I'm in.


AlexJennifer Chu?


AlexAh, it'll be fine.


要看影評的點此 http://blog.yam.com/YenC/article/31188976


原著作者: Walter Kirn

導演:傑森· 雷特曼Jason Reitman

Up in the air|型男飛行日誌|在云端|天外情緣|直上雲霄在雲端】 2009.


. . . . 艾麗克絲|Alex   維拉· 法梅加薇拉·法 米根薇拉· 伐咪卡Vera Farmiga

....Natalie娜塔莉|新人   安娜· 肯德裡克· 坎卓克Anna Kendrick(2008-2012) 在電影暮光之城系列裡飾演 潔西卡

....瑞恩· 賓厄姆萊恩· 賓罕公司裁員專家    喬治· 克魯尼George Clooney

....老闆|    傑森· 貝特曼 Jason Bateman

|    丹尼· 麥克布耐德 Danny McBride

....茱莉· 賓厄姆 (瑞恩之妹)|   梅蘭妮· 林斯基 Melanie Lynskey

|   克裡斯· 勞威爾 Chris Lowell
|   山姆· 艾裡奧特 Sam Elliott
   扎克· 加利費安納基斯 Zach Galifianakis
|   J· K· 西蒙斯 J.K. Simmons


薇拉 查到的資料

來源 http://app.atmovies.com.tw/movie/movie.cfm?action=extend&exid=fuen4119313804

薇拉 伐咪卡 是一名曾經獲得演技獎座的優秀演員
以及大導演 馬丁史柯西斯 執導

傑克尼柯遜李奧納多狄卡皮歐麥特戴蒙及馬克華柏格 四大巨星主演的 金獎名片《神鬼無間》()
她曾以獨立製片作品《深入骨髓》獲得 日舞影展最佳女主角獎並入圍獨立精神獎 (喔新增代辦事項)
《千鈞一刻》《紐約的秋天》《投機行動》《刺激 1998《蝴蝶之舞》(直譯)等片


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